Slapen zonder giftige stoffen: onze beste tips

Sleep without toxins: our best tips

Most of us sleep about 8 hours a day, or a third of the day. Small children sleep a lot more. It is therefore extra important to create a safe sleeping environment to prevent us from being exposed to many toxins while sleeping. Here are our best tips for worry-free sleep!

Bed frame made of natural materials

It is best to choose a bed frame made of solid wood that is finished with a natural oil. This instead of, for example, chipboard or fiberboard, which can release toxic formaldehyde fumes.

To kiss without toxic substances

Forget memory foam and synthetic 'recycled PET' pillows ( read why here! ). When it comes to your all-important pillow, you don't want to sleep on plastic. It is better to opt for 100% natural latex, organic cotton or wool, or, for example, a filling of buckwheat hulls. Tip: use a pillow protector so that your pillow lasts longer.

Toxin-free mattress

Many synthetic mattresses contain formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and fire retardants. Consider a mattress made from natural materials such as organic cotton, natural latex or wool. Tip: do you have a small budget? Then a mattress topper is a good solution. Consider a natural latex topper or one made of organic cotton or pure wool. Maybe you can score it on sale?

Natural duvet

Duvets and blankets can also be beautiful if they are made from natural materials such as pure wool, instead of those suffocating synthetic materials with loud colors and motifs. By the way, if you go for down, choose a product with certified 'traceable down', so that you know that no animal abuse (talking about toxic...) has taken place.

Bedding without toxic chemicals

Avoid sheets with superpowers such as 'easy iron' or 'anti wrinkle', as this is an indication that toxic chemicals have been used. Choose bedding and pillowcases made from organic cotton or other natural materials to reduce exposure to pesticides and chemicals. The best is undyed and unbleached bedding.

Air out your bedroom

Ensure good ventilation in your bedroom by regularly opening windows and grilles to remove harmful substances. Absolutely important!

Avoid synthetic fragrances

Don't use air fresheners or scented candles that contain synthetic fragrances , as they can release harmful chemicals into the air (hello hormone disruptors).

Get rid of microplastics

Keep microplastics ( such as glitter, which has recently been banned ) out of the bedroom as much as possible to prevent them from being inhaled.

Vacuuming and mopping

Harmful substances, such as phthalates and flame retardants, are found in mattresses, furniture, computers and much more. When these wear out, small particles containing these chemicals are released into the house dust. By vacuuming and mopping you ingest fewer of these particles. So keep your bedroom clean and dust-free.

Non-toxic paint and furniture

When redecorating your bedroom, choose paint and furniture that are free of harmful substances such as lead, formaldehyde and VOCs. Choose natural materials instead of synthetic ones.

Natural cleaning products

Clean your bedroom with natural cleaning products to avoid messing up to pollute even more. We are fans of natural vinegar and castile soap. Really works like a charm.

Check for mold

Make sure your bedroom is free of mold as it can affect your health. If you want to remove mold, natural vinegar will do the job!

Measuring radon

Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally in some areas and can seep through the ground. It can accumulate in buildings and damage health. Consider a radon test if you live in a high-risk area.

Limit blue light

Limit blue light in your bedroom. Remove any TVs, laptops and computers. The fewer devices 'buzzing' around your head, the better. And turn off your cell phone or put it on airplane mode before going to sleep. Don't be blue!

Clean up the bedroom

And last but not least : tidy up your bedroom. Chaos in your bedroom quickly means chaos in your head. Create a safe and calm haven for a less toxic mind. The fewer stimuli, the better.

Disclaimer (Do Your Own Research): We love to share with you our experiences and knowledge that we have gained in our search for a toxic-free life. At the same time, we would like to emphasize that you are solely responsible for your health (that goes without saying, right?). The information we share here is for general educational purposes and is not personalized medical advice. Everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

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