Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do you select the products?

At the moment we are busy putting together our assortment. And that takes some time, because we only want products in our shop that meet our Less Toxic Please Standard. This way you know (and we know!) for sure that there really are no unnecessary harmful chemicals in the products you buy.

Which chemicals should I really avoid?

Did you know that there are about 350,000 different chemicals? Of course, not all chemicals are harmful to our health, but unfortunately consumer products are often packed with toxins. Think of endocrine disrupting substances or cancer-causing chemicals. In addition, many chemicals are not yet regulated or known to the public. So you do what you can. In any case, we advise you to avoid so-called forever chemicals as much as possible and not to use products with chemicals that are on one of the following lists: the REACH list of the European Union, the RED list and the SID list. For more information, check out the Less Toxic Please standard.

Moreover, for us, the closer we stay to nature, the better. We therefore always look for products that have been tampered with as little as possible and that are of natural origin.

What does PFAS mean?

PFAS stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. It is a collective name for a group of chemical substances that contain fluorine. PFAS are characterized by their unique properties, such as water and grease repellency, heat resistance and stability.

Because of these properties, PFAS was and is widely used in a variety of consumer products, including fire-fighting foams, water-repellent coatings, non-stick cookware, waterproof clothing, cosmetics, and more. They cause serious damage to the environment and can accumulate in living organisms.

PFAS are also called the "eternal chemicals" because of their persistence in the environment and your body. This means that they break down very slowly and accumulate in soil, water and even living organisms, including humans.

Why should I be interested in non-toxic products?

Toxins and chemicals found in everyday products can be harmful to your health. By using non-toxic products, you minimize your exposure to potentially harmful substances. Obviously, this can significantly reduce the risk of health problems.